Lover's LifeThe Ramsey Tesano Series【電子書籍】[ AlTonya Washington ]

Lover's LifeThe Ramsey Tesano Series【電子書籍】[ AlTonya Washington ] Lover's LifeThe Ramsey Tesano Series【電子書籍】[ AlTonya Washington ] Lover's LifeThe Ramsey Tesano Series【電子書籍】[ AlTonya Washington ]

<p>Marcella Cannon had always felt like a fish out of water-the oddball girl in a family of men. The girl who preferred reading to shopping…for a while anyway. When her address changed to Black Island, the girl she had been changed too.</p> <p>Brogue Tesano didn’t feel that his life exactly <em>changed</em> upon his move to Black Island. Instead, it had merely shifted into its rightful lane. He wasn’t a nice man-didn’t come from a family of nice people. The island- the horrors he’d witnessed and been a part of had done nothing to discourage the choices he’d made- the choices he’d would’ve continued to make until by chance he met an angel in the midst of hell.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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